Corporate Office:4 N.S.Road, Kolkata-700001
Section 4 (1) (b) of Right to Information
Right to Information
Information under Section 4 (1) (b) of Right to Information Act, 2005 updated on 07.05.2024 is given below:
4(b)(i) Particulars of Organization
The company was formed through the nationalization of six jute mills, namely, Kinnison, Khardah, National, Alexandra, Union, in the state of West Bengal and RBHM, Katihar in the state of Bihar in 1980 is under the Administrative control of Ministry of Textiles.
Due to financial losses the company was referred to the BIFR in August 1992. On 19th March 2010, the Cabinet finally approved the revival of NJMC Ltd. and on 31st March 2011, BIFR approved the revival scheme of NJMC Ltd.
The implementation of the revival scheme was supported by resuming operation in RBHM unit in January 2011 and was followed by re-opening of Kinnison and Khardah mills in September 2011.
But revival process was not successful.
Union Cabinet on 10.10.2018 took decision for closure of NJMC Ltd. Presently the process is going on.
To become a model manufacturer of Jute and allied products with a human face for grower, employee and society at large. To enter into new business arena other than Jute which will directly or indirectly promote eco-friendly environment.
Weaving a Greener Planet with Jute, the eco-friendly, biodegradable natural fibre, with an objective to maintain sustainable development. To make Jute growing and processing the most reliable and sound pillar of livelihood for millions to attain inclusive growth.
Objective & Functions of the Corporation:
To manufacture jute related product to supply Government and other stake holders as well as give employment and promotion of Jute products at large.
4(b)(ii) Power and Duties of officers of NJMC Ltd.
Sl. No |
Name |
Designation |
Duties |
1. |
Shri Moloy Chandan Chakrabortty |
Chairman cum Managing Director ( Addl. Charge) |
Chairman cum Managing Director |
2. |
Shri Subrata Paul |
General Manager (General)
(On Deputation from NTC Ltd.) |
In charge of Mills administration and Closure Process |
3. |
Shri Iman Ali Mandal |
Chief Operating Officer & Dy. General Manager
(On Deputation from JCI Ltd.)
Chief Vigilance officer (Part time) |
In charge of Office Administration, Finance, Secretarial and Legal. |
NJMC Ltd is having various departments and the duties and responsibilities are assigned depending upon the various factors which may include the nature/volume etc. of the work assigned to that particular department.
Board of Directors of NJMC Ltd
Sl. No |
Name |
Designation |
1. |
Shri Moloy Chandan Chakrabortty |
Chairman cum Managing Director ( Addl. Charge) |
2. |
Smt. Prajakta L. Verma
Director |
Joint Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India |
3. |
Shri Dhirendra Kumar
Director |
Director(Finance), Ministry of Textiles, Government of India |
4(b)(iii) Procedure followed in Decision making process
The Board of Directors in NJMC Ltd. has overall control and supervision over the decisions of the company. The company has a Board approved Delegation of Power(DOP), which facilitates the delegation of decision making subject to ultimate control and general supervision of the Board of Directors. The DOP procedure is strictly complied with.
4(b)(iv) Norms set for Discharging of functions
The entire organizational functioning is based on the down delegation of authority at appropriate levels and measures to the individual officers. Several documented manualised instructions have been developed and approved by the Board of Directors, for the discharge of functions by the officers of the organization.
Further guidelines issued by the Government of India, through the applicable departments, and Central Vigilance Commission, Central Information Commission from time to time are also followed.
4(b)(v) Rules, Regulation Instructions, Manuals and Records
Corporate policy decision of running the business of NJMC Ltd is being taken, depending upon the changing scenario of the Business by the Board of Directors. The day to day activities to be carried out are being decided by the respective departments and are being executed in conformity with the corporate decision taken by NJMC Ltd in the meetings of its Board of Directors.
4(b)(vi) Statement of the documents that are kept by NJMC Ltd
Every Department maintains all documents /register/File/books etc which are required statutory or otherwise for their respective department.
4(b)(vii) Arrangements for consultation with member of public
Board of Directors is constituted following the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 consisting of Government of India nominees and independent directors. While decision taken or minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors are not accessible by the public, important decisions regarding the company and/or its management are being communicated to the Ministry of Textiles as also to the public as required under the law NJMC Ltd being 100% owned by Government of India. NJMC Ltd is publishing the Annual Report of the company for its functioning and this can be viewed in company website “”
4(b)(viii) Statement of the Boards, Council, Committees and other bodies
Board of Directors is constituted following the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 consisting of Government of India nominees and independent directors. While decision taken or minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors are not accessible by the public, important decisions regarding the company and/or its management are being communicated to the Ministry of Textiles maintaining as per Company Law and important decisions conveyed to them and Ministry of Textiles as also to the public as required under the law from time to time. However, company is publishing the Annual Report of the company for its functioning and this can be viewed in company website “”.
4(b)(ix) Directory of officers and employees Statement of the Boards, Council, Committees and other bodies
Sl. No |
Name |
Designation |
Office Telephone |
1 |
Shri Moloy Chandan Chakrabortty |
Chairman cum Managing Director ( Addl. Charge) |
033- 2202-0850 |
2 |
Shri Subrata Paul |
General Manager (General) |
033-2230 6434 |
3 |
Shri Iman Ali Mandal |
Chief Operating Officer & Dy. General Manager |
033-2230 6434 |
4(b)(x) Monthly remuneration of officer and Employees
Designation |
Revised IDA scale of pay |
Revised CDA scale With grade pay |
GM (General)
(On Deputation from NTC Ltd.) |
36600-62000 as per 6th CPC |
COO & Dy. GM
(On deputation from JCI Ltd.) |
70000-200000 |
Contractual |
_ |
_ |
Executive Legal
Contractual |
_ |
_ |
4(b)(xi) Budget allocated to agencies (NA, closure)
NA as NJMC is under closure as per decision of Union cabinet
4(b)(xii)Manner of execution of subsidy programmes and details of beneficiaries(NA)
Not applicable
4(b)(xiii) Concession, Permits and Authorisation granted by the Corporation
Not applicable, NJMC Ltd being a commercial organization does not offer concession /permits or any authorization to Public
4 b (xiv) Information held in electronic form
The following information is available at our website:
Home Page:
- Name of the Company
- Corporate Identity Number
- About NJMC
- Latest Notification
- Mission & Vision
- Registered Office Address
- Phone No.& E-mail ID
- Important Links
About Us:
- CMD’s Message
- Board of Directors
- Audit Committee
- Organization Mapping
BIFR Status:
- Director’s Report
- Auditor’s Report
- Annual Report
- RTI Quarterly Return
- Notice Archive
- Tender Archive
- Career Archive
Contact Details:
- Location Map to Registered Office
- Corporate Office Address
- Address of the properties of NJMC Ltd.
New Notice :
Related Link :
- Website of Jute Organisation
Sl No |
A/C NO |
1 |
50056867250 |
IDIB000M567 |
News & Events:
- Pension cell contact no: 9830282857
4 b (xv) Facilities available to citizens for obtaining information
NJMC Ltd Does not maintain a public library. However, the citizen can easily get information related to Corporations activities from website:
4 b (xvi) Name designation and other particulars of the Public Information of officers
Name and address of Public Information Officers
Sl. No. |
Name of First Appellate Authority (FAA) |
Designation |
Place of posting |
Office address |
Telephone No |
1 |
Mr. Iman Ali Mandal |
COO & Dy.G.M |
Corporate Office |
Chattered Bank Building
2nd Floor, 4 NS Road
Kolkata-700001 |
033-2230 6434 |
4 b (xvii) Name designation and other particulars of the Public Information of officers
Name and address of Public Information Officers
Sl. No. |
Name of CPIO |
Designation |
Place of posting |
Office address |
Telephone No |
1 |
Mrs. Sananda Paul |
Executive( Technical & Admin-HR) |
Corporate Office |
Chattered Bank Building
2nd Floor, 4 NS Road
Kolkata-700001 |
033-2230 6434 |